and walks away unseen,
When darkness conquers your land
and threatens to forever reign.
When ignorance clutches your wits
and your mind pays no heed,
When courage calls it quits
and lets you down in need.
When you begin to fear the crowd
and long to be alone,
When failures begin to echo aloud
and makes your plight forlorn.
Then its time to knock the door
of the one you love the most,
whom you can count on for sure
to direct you from rough seas to the coast.
If your loved one cant help either
you are still left with one resort,
on whom you can always for help anchor
and that savior is God...
Indira Shukla.
Well, this is more theoretical!
AWESOME POEM!!!! Let them keep coming in!!
Hey Didi its really superb~!!!..... the ryming words......everything is awesome!!!!![:)]
You knw wat indira??? u r gettin better at ur work!!! y don't u consider publishin ur stuff????
super blog
very nice
wow....!!!!!....more than rather god ...its the hope on god which helps u out most of the time.....(just as uve said in one pf the comments of my post if i can recollect which read,"Its only hope which drives us in life n that ultimate hope comes only from god")....awesome ...
--> n yaa indi frankly speaking after reading all ur posts even i felt u can publish some of them as they are of highest quality n can bring a smile or an angle of thinking the way they dint in majority of readers case,,,try for it ....
-->Also i wanna say one point what ive observed while reading all ur posts is that (dont get me wrong,i'm just telling for the fact that maybe it will help u bolke)......that when i was reading the posts in order of top to bottom somewhere down the lane i felt that ur first posts(yaane the bottom ones)...were of much muc much much better quality n ionclined n awesome than what i consider the later posts(that is the top ones)to be.....somehow i felt the fact that when uve written this high quality in the below ones....why dint that much of indi's charisma and unbelievable talent wasnt at peak in the above posts bolke....!!!!(sorry if ive hurt you,but just wated n felt like telling u the positive n negative points becos i feel better to let that out to you rather than keeping myself n being reserved of the fact.....if u feel no i was wrong n it was crap what all i spoke take light...:D)
-->But anyways indi u rock to the core ....not many r gifted as u are ...so just keep writing n writing quality stuiff like this.....n it is a readers pleasure to have even felt those kind of words in some of the posts...!!!!!!!!!
superb indira...its awesome
lol .... poor english usage in 2 years back comment :P ;) ... n also was tooooo wordy hahahaha :D ...
Ur blog makes me Nostalgic !! hehe :D :)
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