by the ire of the winds,
Her courage to fly higher than her limits
had pushed her to the brink of ruins.
Yet her will to take to the skies
didn't allow her to die,
Her battered wings and bruised ego
still nurtured the dream to fly.
Staring silently at her enemy
each day she prepared for the flight,
the thoughts of soaring high
gave this little bird sleepless nights.
And soon a day came when
the strongest ever wind blew,
when even deeply rooted trees
the wind in its rage threw!
That was the day when
she spread her wings to test them again,
it was the ultimate test of grit
and the only answer to her heart's pain.
Aiming higher than her little eyes could see
she pushed herself to take flight,
and straight she went against the winds
soaring this time to life's greatest height!
The roaring winds suddenly calmed down
in admiration of her courageous feat,
an eerie silence descended upon the world
it seemed like the winds had accepted defeat
and the clouds were all under her little feet!
Indira Shukla